Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory

Supervised by

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Prof. Jiann-Shing Shieh

Professor and Dean of College of Engineering

JIANN-SHING SHIEH received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemical engineering from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in automatic control and systems engineering from The University of Sheffield, U.K., in 1995. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, also a Joint Professor with the Graduate School of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, and also serves as the Dean of the College of Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Taiwan. His research interests are focused on biomedical engineering, particularly in bio-signal processing, intelligent analysis and control, medical automation, pain model and control, critical care medicine monitoring and control, dynamic cerebral autoregulation research, and brain death.

International Cooperation

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Prof. Maysam Abbod

Anesthesiology & Pain Management Computational Science Statistics

Brunel University London

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Dr. Fayaz Doctor

Senior Lecturer School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CSEE)

University of Essex

People of Intsys

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Madankumar Balasubramani

PhD Student

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Omar Talab

PhD Student